D.O.G.E. Tax
"NOW-TAX" - Broad Base Sales of Goods & Services
and Financial Transactions Tax™ Amendment (NSSTT) -
United States Citizens’ Tax Bill Of Rights
Preamble - In order for all United States citizens to have an equal opportunity to life, liberty, property, wealth, and individual sovereignty - the pursuit of happiness - it is time for a Citizens' Tax Bill of Rights. One tax system that will fairly shift taxes to all segments of our economy.
A sole/single, neutral, non-progressive, non-regressive, apolitical, and nonpartisan tax collection system. One tax system with the least amount of rules, regulations, and laws. A tax system that spreads the cost of the federal budget over the largest common denominator (the broadest base possible, all/total sales of goods, services, and financial transactions of all segments of the economy) divided into the federal budget to create the lowest possible with the least negative effect on the economy. The largest common denominator means the broadest base possible, all sales of goods & services*, and financial transactions from all segments of the economy: all citizens, non-citizens, consumers, organizations, enterprises, and businesses. (Excluding internal money/funds transferred in personal or business financial accounts e.g. bank accounts, etc.).*After the calculation of Total Economy of Sale of Goods, Services, and Transactions selected essential goods & services may need to be exempt.
Section 1: The Broad Base - National Sales of Goods, Services & Financial Transactions Tax™ Amendment (NSSTT) will apply to all citizens, non-citizens, businesses, organizations, and/or enterprises residing and/or operating within the United States or United States Territories.
Section 2: Establish NSSTT for collecting federal taxes at the lowest possible rate. Taxes will be collected at a rate of 5% or less on all sale of goods, services, and financial transactions in the United States (Excluding internal money/funds transferred in personal or business financial accounts e.g bank accounts, etc).
Section 3: Repeal and replace the 16th Amendment and abolish all federal taxes, all current tax laws, associated regulations; such as income tax, estate tax, capital gains tax, excise taxes, tax exemptions, deductions, and any/all other current taxes or laws not limited to this list.
Section 4: It will forever be prohibited to have different tax laws (to favor or disfavor) for any citizens, non-citizens, businesses, organizations, and/or enterprises residing and/or operating within the United States or United States Territories.
Section 5: The NSSTT will only collect enough taxes to balance the federal budget. The federal budget will be derived by no greater than 5% of the Total Economy of all Sale of Goods, Services, and Financial Transactions (TESST) or not to exceed a federal budget cap of $5 trillion or to be determined. The rates may fluctuate as revenue is needed and/or the TESST rises or lowers. The tax rate will never exceed 5% of the TESST unless by a 2/3 vote in both Houses and except for approved national emergencies. Some industry rates may be adjusted as needed to not create an undue burden that would drastically affect,
destabilize, or punish that segment of business or economy.
Section 6: This law does not apply to money/funds transferred inside a citizen’s and non-citizen's direct family or a single business's, a single organization’s, and/or a single enterprise’s financial accounts residing and/or operating within the United States or United States Territories in the federally-regulated bank or financial accounts.
Section 7: Abolish all felony tax punishment, except malicious tax fraud.
Section 8: Taxes will automatically be collected/deducted through bank deposits by the Federal Reserve System. All taxes collected will be overseen and managed by the Internal Revenue Service. Collection procedure; upon purchase of goods, services, or financial transactions the provider/reseller will add the NSSTT rate. The provider/reseller makes the deposits to the bank. The bank automatically deducts the NSSTT rate. At the end of every business day, the bank sends the collected taxes to the Federal Reserve, in the care of the IRS. The only forms will be a deposit slip and deposit receipt. All deposits will require a Standard Industrial Classification - SIC Code.
Section 9: All citizens, non-citizens, businesses, organizations, and/or enterprises residing and/or operating within the United States or United States Territories will be required to maintain a current U.S. bank account for deposits of all sale of goods, services, and financial transactions. This is not to be construed as that cash and credit card transactions will be illegal.
Section 10: The NSSTT is a system that eliminates late or delinquent taxes. Taxes are directly collected by the Federal Reserve every day from daily deposits of all sales, services, and financial transactions. The NSSTT is self-enforcing. If the NSSTT is omitted or not collected by the provider/reseller when the sales, services, and financial transactions are rendered, the NSSTT will be automatically deducted from the provider's/reseller's deposits with no exceptions.